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Selected Publications
- Ali A. Husain, Edwin W. Huang, Matteo Mitrano, Melinda S. Rak, Samantha I. Rubeck, Xuefei Guo, Hongbin Yang, Chanchal Sow, Yoshiteru Maeno, Bruno Uchoa, Tai C. Chiang, Philip E. Batson, Philip W. Phillips & Peter Abbamonte, Pines’ demon observed as a 3D acoustic plasmon in Sr2RuO4, Nature 621, 66 (2023)
- M. Mitrano, S. Lee, A. A. Husain, L. Delacretaz, M. Zhu, G. de la Peña, S. X. L. Sun, Y. I. Joe, A. H. Reid, S. F. Wandel, G. Coslovich, W. Schlotter, T. van Driel, J. Schneeloch, G. D. Gu, S. Hartnoll, N. Goldenfeld, P. Abbamonte, Ultrafast time-resolved x-ray scattering reveals diffusive charge order dynamics in La2-xBaxCuO4, Science Advances 5, eaax3346 (2019)
- M. Mitrano, A. A. Husain, S. Vig, A. Kogar, M. S. Rak, S. I. Rubeck, J. Schmalian, B. Uchoa, J. Schneeloch, R. Zhong, G. D. Gu, and P. Abbamonte, Anomalous density fluctuations in a strange metal, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 115, 5392 (2018)
- Anshul Kogar, Melinda S. Rak, Sean Vig, Ali A. Husain, Felix Flicker, Young Il Joe, Luc Venema, Greg J. MacDougall, Tai C. Chiang, Eduardo Fradkin, Jasper van Wezel, Peter Abbamonte, Signatures of exciton condensation in a transition metal dichalcogenide, Science 358, 1314 (2017)
- S. Gleason, J. Manton, J. Sheung, T. Byrum, C. Jensen, L. Y. Jiang, J. Dvorak, I. Jarrige, P. Abbamonte, Intrinsic resolving power of XUV diffraction gratings measured with Fizeau interferometry, Proc. SPIE 10105, UNSP 1038506 (2017)
- Y. I. Joe, X. M. Chen, P. Ghaemi, K. D. Finkelstein, G. A. de la Peña, Y. Gan, J. C. T. Lee, S. Yuan, J. Geck, G. J. MacDougall, T. C. Chiang, S. L. Cooper, E. Fradkin, P. Abbamonte, Emergence of charge density wave domain walls above the superconducting dome in TiSe2, Nature Physics 10, 421 (2014)
- J. P. Reed, B. Uchoa, Y. I. Joe, Y. Gan, D. Casa, E. Fradkin, P. Abbamonte, The effective fine structure constant of freestanding graphene measured in graphite, Science 330, 805 (2010)
- S. Smadici, P. Abbamonte, A. Bhattacharya, X. Zhai, B. Jiang, A. Rusydi, J. N. Eckstein, S. D. Bader, J. M. Zuo, Electronic reconstruction of LaMnO3-SrMnO3 superlattice interfaces, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 196404 (2007)
- P. Abbamonte, A. Rusydi, S. Smadici, G. D. Gu, G. A. Sawatzky, D. L. Feng, Spatially modulated ‘Mottness’ in La2-xBaxCuO4, Nature Physics, 1, 155-158 (2005)
- P. Abbamonte, G. Blumberg, A. Rusydi, A. Gozar, P. G. Evans, T. S. Siegrist, L. Venema, H. Eisaki, E. D. Isaacs, G. A. Sawatzky, Crystallization of charge holes in the spin ladder of Sr14Cu24O41, Nature, 431, 1078 (2004)
- P. Abbamonte, K. D. Finkelstein, M. D. Collins, S. M. Gruner, Imaging density disturbances in water with a 41.3-attosecond time resolution, Phys. Rev. Lett., 92, 237401 (2004)
- P. Abbamonte, L. Venema, A Rusydi, I. Bozovic, G. A. Sawatzky, A Structural Probe of the Doped Holes in Cuprate Superconductors, Science 297, 581 (2002)
All Publications
- Y. Y. Peng, I. Boukahil, K. Krongchon, Q. Xiao, A. A. Husain, Sangjun Lee, Q. Z. Li, A. Alatas, A. H. Said, H. T. Yan, Y. Ding, L. Zhao, X. J. Zhou, T. P. Devereaux, L. K. Wagner, C. D. Pemmaraju, P. Abbamonte, Observation of van der Waals phonons in the single-layer cuprate (Bi,Pb)2(Sr,La)2CuO6+δ, arXiv:2106.11523
- J. Chen, X. Guo, C. Boyd, S. Bettler, C. Kengle, D. Chaudhuri, F. Hoveyda, A. Husain, J. Schneeloch, G. Gu, Ph. Phillips, B. Uchoa, T.C. Chiang, P. Abbamonte, Consistency between reflection momentum-resolved electron energy loss spectroscopy and optical spectroscopy measurements of the long-wavelength density response of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x, Phys. Rev. B 109, 045108 (2024)
- X. Guo, D. Chaudhuri, N. Bielinski, J. Chen, S. Kim, T. C. Chiang, F. Mahmood, J. A. N. T. Soares, S. Karkare, P. Abbamonte, Characterization of a LaB6 tip as a thermionically enhanced photoemitter, Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 014103 (2024)
- T. P. Devereaux, M. Claassen, X.-X. Huang, M. Zaletel, J. E. Moore, D. Morr, F. Mahmood, P. Abbamonte, Z.-X. Shen, Angle-resolved pair photoemission theory for correlated electrons, Phys. Rev. B 108, 165134 (2023)
- Q. L. Nguyen, R. A. Duncan, G. Orenstein, Y. Huang, V. Krapivin, G. de la Peña, C. Ornelas-Skarin, D. A. Reis, P. Abbamonte, S. Bettler, M. Chollet, M. C. Hoffmann, M. Hurley, S. Kim, P. S. Kirchmann, Y. Kubota, F. Mahmood, A. Miller, T. Osaka, K. Qu, T. Sato, D. P. Shoemaker, N. Sirica, S. Song, J. Stanton, S. W. Teitelbaum, S. E. Tilton, T. Togashi, D. Zhu, M. Trigo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 076901 (2023)
- M. Yang, A. Ariando, C. Diao, J. C. Lee, K. Jayaraman, M. B. A. Jalil, S. Smadici, S. Zeng, J. Zhou, W. Kong, M. B. H. Breese, S. Dhar, Y. P. Feng, P. Abbamonte, T. Venkatesan, A. Rusydi, Coexistence of surface oxygen vacancy and interface conducting states in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 revealed by grazing-angle resonant soft x-ray scattering, Appl. Phys. Rev. 10, 021420 (2023)
- C. S. Kengle, S. I. Rubeck, M. Rak, J. Chen, F. Hoveyda, S. Bettler, A. Husain, M. Mitrano, A. Edelman, P. Littlewood, T. C. Chiang, F. Mahmood, P. Abbamonte, Non-RPA behavior of the valence plasmon in SrTi1-xNbxO3, Phys. Rev. B 108, 205102 (2023)
- A. A. Husain, E. W. Huang, M. Mitrano, M. S. Rak, S. I. Rubeck, X. Guo, H. Yang, C. Sow, Y. Maeno, B. Uchoa, T. C. Chiang, P. E. Batson, P. W. Phillips, P. Abbamonte, Pines’ demon observed as a 3D acoustic plasmon in Sr2RuO4, Nature 621, 66 (2023)
- S. J. Thornton, D. B. Liarte, P. Abbamonte, J. P. Sethna, D. Chowdhury, Jamming and unusual charge density fluctuations of strange metals, Nature Comm. 14, 3919 (2023)
- K. J. Qu, Z. W. Riedel, I. Sanchez-Ramirez, S. Bettler, J. Oh, E. N. Waite, T. J. Woods, N. Mason, P. Abbamonte, F. de Juan, M. G. Vergniory, D. P. Shoemaker, Quasi-One-Dimensional Transition-Metal Chalcogenide Semiconductor (Nb4Se15I2)I2, Inorg. Chem. 62, 3067 (2023)
- J. Collini, S. Lee, S. X. -L. Sun, C. Eckberg, D. Campbell, J. W. Lynn, P. Abbamonte, J. P. Paglione, Absence of precursor incommensurate charge order in electronic nematic Ba0.35Sr0.65Ni2As2, Phys. Rev. B 106, 054107 (2022)
- Y. Peng, X. Guo, Q. Xiao, Q. Li, J. Strempfer, Y. Choi, D. Yan, H. Luo, Y. Huang, S. Jia, O. Janson, P. Abbamonte, J. van den Brink, J. van Wezel, Observation of orbital order in the Van der Waals material 1T-TiSe2, Phys. Rev. Res. 4, 033053 (2022)
- P. W. Phillips, N. E. Hussey, P. Abbamonte, Stranger than metals, Science 377, 169 (2022)
- J. M. Moya, S. M. Lei, E. M. Clements, C. S. Kengle, S. Sun, K. Allen, Q. Z. Li, Y. Y. Peng, A. A. Husain, M. Mitrano, M. J. Krogstad, R. Osborn, A. B. Puthirath, S. X. Chi, L. Debeer-Schmitt, J. Gaudet, P. Abbamonte, J. W. Lynn, E. Morosan, Incommensurate magnetic orders and topological Hall effect in the square-net centrosymmetric EuGa2Al2 system, Phys. Rev. Mater. 6, 074201 (2022)
- P. Abbamonte, D. Baxter, Y. Kahn, G. Krnjaic, N. Kurinsky, B. Mandava, L. K. Wagner, Revisiting the dark matter interpretation of excess rates in semiconductors, Phys. Rev. D 105, 123002 (2022)
- J. Won, S. Kim, M. Gutierrez-Amigo, S. Bettler, B. Lee, J. Son, T. W. Noh, I. Errea, M. G. Vergniory, P. Abbamonte, F. Mahmood, D. P. Shoemaker, Transport and optical properties of the chiral semiconductor Ag3AuSe2, Z. Anorg. Allgemeine Chemie 648, e202200055 (2022)
- S. Lee, E. W. Huang, T. A. Johnson, X. F. Guo, A. A. Husain, M. Mitrano, K. Lu, A. V. Zakrzewski, G. A. de la Pena, Y. Y. Peng, H. Huang, S. J. Lee, H. Jang, J. S. Lee, Y. I. Joe, W. B. Doriese, P. Szypryt, D. S. Swetz, S. X. Chi, A. A. Aczel, G. J. MacDougall, S. A. Kivelson, E. Fradkin, P. Abbamonte, Generic character of charge and spin density waves in superconducting cuprates, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 119, e2119429119 (2022)
- Y. Peng, L. Martinelli, Q. Li, M. Rossi, M. Mitrano, R. Arpaia, M. M. Sala, Q. Gao, X. Guo, G. M. De Luca, A. Walters, A. Nag, A. Barbour, G. Gu, J. Pelliciari, N. B. Brookes, P. Abbamonte, M. Salluzzo, X. Zhou, K.-J. Zhou, V. Bisogni, L. Braicovich, S. Johnston, G. Ghiringhelli, Doping dependence of the electron-phonon coupling in two families of bilayer superconducting cuprates, Phys. Rev. B 105, 115105 (2022)
- F. Mahmood, T. Devereaux, P. Abbamonte, D. K. Morr, Distinguishing finite momentum superconducting pairing states with two-electron photoemission spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. B 105, 064515 (2022)
- D. R. Baykusheva, H. Jang, A. A. Husain, S. Lee, S. F. R. TenHuisen, P. Zhou, S. Park, H. Kim, J.-K. Kim, H.-D. Kim, M. Kim, S.-Y. Park, P. Abbamonte, B. J. Kim, G. D. Gu, Y. Wang, M. Mitrano, Ultrafast Renormalization of the On-Site Coulomb Repulsion in a Cuprate Superconductor, Phys. Rev. X 12, 011013 (2022)
- X. Guo, S. Lee, T. A. Johnson, J. Chen, P. Vandeventer, A. A. Husain, F. Rodolakis, J. L. McChesney, P. Shafer, H. Huang, J.-S. Lee, J. Schneeloch, R. Zhong, G. D. Gu, M. Mitrano, P. Abbamonte, Search for Q∼0 order near a forbidden Bragg position in Bi2.1Sr1.9CaCu2O8+x with resonant soft x-ray scattering, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 90, 111007 (2021)
- S. Lee, J. Collini, S.X.L. Sun, M. Mitrano, X.F. Guo, C. Eckberg, J.P. Paglione, E. Fradkin, P. Abbamonte, Multiple Charge Density Waves and Superconductivity Nucleation at Antiphase Domain Walls in the Nematic Pnictide Ba1-xSrxNi2As2, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 027602 (2021)
- E.W. Huang, K. Limtragool, C. Setty, A.A. Husain, M. Mitrano, P. Abbamonte, P.W. Phillips, Extracting correlation effects from momentum-resolved electron energy loss spectroscopy: Synergistic origin of the dispersion kink in Bi2.1Sr1.9CaCu2O8+x, Phys. Rev. B 103, 035121 (2021)
- Y. Y. Peng, A. A. Husain, M. Mitrano, S. Sun, T. A. Johnson, A. V. Zakrzewski, G. J. MacDougall, A. Barbour, I. Jarrige, V. Bisogni, P. Abbamonte, Enhanced electron-phonon coupling for charge-density-wave formation in La1.8-xEu0.2SrxCuO4+δ, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 097002 (2020)
- Y. I. Joe, Y. Fang, S. Lee, S. X. L. Sun, G. A. de la Peña, W. B. Doriese, K. M. Morgan, J. W. Fowler, L. R. Vale, F. Rodolakis, J. L. McChesney, J. N. Ullom, D. S. Swetz, P. Abbamonte, Resonant soft x-ray scattering from stripe-ordered La2-xBaxCuO4 using a transition edge sensor array detector, Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 034026 (2020)
- C. Eckberg, D. J. Campbell, T. Metz, J. Collini, H. Hodovanets, T. Drye, P. Zavalij, M. H. Christensen, R. M. Fernandes, S. Lee, P. Abbamonte, J. Lynn, J.P. Paglione, Sixfold enhancement of superconductivity in a tunable electronic nematic system, Nature Physics 16, 346 (2020)
- A. A. Husain, M. Mitrano, M. S. Rak, S. I. Rubeck, B. Uchoa, K. March, C. Dwyer, J. Schneeloch, R. Zhong, G. D. Gu, P. Abbamonte, Crossover of Charge Fluctuations across the Strange Metal Phase Diagram, Phys. Rev. X 9, 041062 (2019)
- M. Mitrano, S. Lee, A. A. Husain, M. Zhu, G. de la Peña, S. X. L. Sun, Y. I. Joe, A. H. Reid, S. F. Wandel, G. Coslovich, W. Schlotter, T. van Driel, J. Schneeloch, G. D. Gu, N. Goldenfeld, P. Abbamonte, Evidence for photoinduced sliding of the charge-order condensate in La1.875Ba0.125CuO4, Phys. Rev. B 100, 205125 (2019)
- A. A. Husain, M. Mitrano, M. Rak, S. Rubeck, A. Kogar, S. Vig, J. Chen, P. Abbamonte, Bosonic Collective Modes in Quantum Materials Studied with meV-resolved, Momentum-resolved EELS, Microscopy and Microanalysis 25 (S2), 614-615 (2019)
- M. Mitrano, S. Lee, A. A. Husain, L. Delacretaz, M. Zhu, G. de la Peña, S. X. L. Sun, Y. I. Joe, A. H. Reid, S. F. Wandel, G. Coslovich, W. Schlotter, T. van Driel, J. Schneeloch, G. D. Gu, S. Hartnoll, N. Goldenfeld, P. Abbamonte, Ultrafast time-resolved x-ray scattering reveals diffusive charge order dynamics in La2-xBaxCuO4, Science Advances 5, eaax3346 (2019)
- S. Lee, G. A. de la Pena, S. X.-L. Sun, M. Mitrano, Y. Fang, H. Jang, J.-S. Lee, C. Eckberg, D. Campbell, J. Collini, JP. Paglione, F. M. F. de Groot, P. Abbamonte, Unconventional Charge Density Wave Order in the Pnictide Superconductor Ba(Ni1-xCox)2As2, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 147601 (2019)
- M. Mitrano, A. A. Husain, S. Vig, A. Kogar, M. S. Rak, S. I. Rubeck, J. Schmalian, B. Uchoa, J. Schneeloch, R. Zhong, G. D. Gu, and P. Abbamonte, Anomalous density fluctuations in a strange metal, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 115, 5392 (2018)
- A. Kogar, M. S. Rak, S. Vig, A. A. Husain, F. Flicker, Y. I. Joe, L. Venema, G. J. MacDougall, T. C. Chiang, E. Fradkin, J. van Wezel, P. Abbamonte, Signatures of exciton condensation in a transition metal dichalcogenide, Science 358, 1314 (2017)
- S. Gleason, J. Manton, J. Sheung, T. Byrum, C. Jensen, L. Y. Jiang, J. Dvorak, I. Jarrige, P. Abbamonte, Intrinsic resolving power of XUV diffraction gratings measured with Fizeau interferometry, Proc. SPIE 10105, UNSP 1038506 (2017)
- H. H. Zheng, Y. Gan, L. K. Wagner, P. Abbamonte, Importance of sigma Bonding Electrons for the Accurate Description of Electron Correlation in Graphene, Phys. Rev. Lett, 119, 166402 (2017)
- S. Vig, A. Kogar, M. Mitrano, A. A. Husain, L. Venema, M. S. Rak, V. Mishra, P. D. Johnson, G. D. Gu, E. Fradkin, M. R. Norman, P. Abbamonte, Measurement of the dynamic charge response of materials using low-energy, momentum-resolved electron energy-loss spectroscopy (M-EELS), SciPost Phys. 3, 026 (2017)
- Z. Y. Wang, D. Walkup, P. Derry, T. Scaffidi, M. Rak, S. Vig, A. Kogar, I. Zeljkovic, A. Husain, L. H. Santos, Y. X. Wang, A. Damascelli, Y. Maeno, E. Fradkin, V. Madhava, P. Abbamonte, Quasiparticle interference and strong electron-mode coupling in the quasi-one-dimensional bands of Sr2RuO4, Nature Physics, 13, 799 (2017)
- W. B. Doriese, B. K. Alpert, D. A. Bennett, E. V. Denison, Y. Fang, D. A, Fischer, C. P. Fitzgerald, J. W. Fowler, J. D. Gard, J. P. Hays-Wehle, G. C. Hilton, C. Jaye, J. L. McChesney, L. Miaja-Avila, K. M. Morgan, Y. I. Joe, G. C. O’Neil, C. D. Reinstsema, F. Rodolakis, D. R. Schmidt, H. Tatsuno, J. Uhlig, L. R. Vale, J. N. Ullom, D. S. Swetz, P. Abbamonte, A practical superconducting-microcalorimeter X-ray spectrometer for beamline and laboratory science, Rev. of Scientific Instruments, 88, 053108 (2017)
- S. C. Yan, D. Laia, E. Morosan, E. Fradkin, V. Madhavan, P. Abbamonte, Influence of Domain Walls in the Incommensurate Charge Density Wave State of Cu Intercalated 1T-TiSe2, Phys. Rev. Lett, 118, 106405 (2017)
- A. Kogar, G. A. de la Pena, S. Lee, Y. Fang, S. X. L. Sun, D. B. Lioi, G. Karapetrov, K. D. Finkelstein, J. P. C. Ruff, S. Rosenkranz, P. Abbamonte, Observation of a Charge Density Wave Incommensuration Near the Superconducting Dome in CuxTiSe2, Phys. Rev. Lett, 118, 027002 (2017)
- A. Gozar, I. Bozovic, P. Abbamonte, Strong off-Diagonal Polarizability and Electron-Lattice Coupling in High-Temperature Superconductors, Oxide-Based Materials and Devices VIII, 10105, 101050B (2017)
- Y. Gan, G. A. de la Peña, A. Kogar, B. Uchoa, D. Casa, T. Gog, E. Fradkin, P. Abbamonte, Reexamination of the Effective Fine Structure Constant of Graphene as Measured in Graphite, Phys. Rev. B 93, 195150 (2016)
- P. Abbamonte, 2D Superconductivity: Electric Tuning of Many-Body States, Nature Nanotechnology 11, 115 (2016)
- A. Kogar, S. Vig, A. Thaler, M. H. Wong, Y. Xiao, D. Reig-i-Plessis, G. Y. Cho, T. Valla, Z. Pan, J. Schneeloch, R. Zhong, G. D. Gu, T. L. Hughes, G. J. MacDougall, T. C. Chiang, P. Abbamonte, Surface Collective Modes in the Topological Insulators Bi2Se3 and Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3-xSex, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 257402 (2015)
- X. M. Chen, A. J. Miller, C. Nugroho, G. A. de la Pena, Y. I. Joe, A. Kogar, J. D. Brock, J. Geck, G. J. MacDougall, S. L. Cooper, E. Fradkin, D. J. Van Harlingen, P. Abbamonte, Influence of Ti doping on the incommensurate charge density wave in 1T-TaS2, Phys. Rev. B 91, 245113 (2015)
- S. L. Gleason, Y. Gim, T. Byrum, A. Kogar, P. Abbamonte, E. Fradkin, G. J. MacDougall, D. J. Van Harlingen, X. D. Zhu, C. Petrovic, S. L. Cooper, Structural contributions to the pressure-tuned charge-density-wave to superconductor transition in ZrTe3: Raman scattering studies, Phys. Rev. B 91, 155124 (2015)
- T. Ritschel, J. Trinckauf, K. Koepernik, B. Buchner, M. V. Zimmermann, H. Berger, Y. I. Joe, P. Abbamonte, J. Geck, Orbital textures and charge density waves in transition metal dichalcogenides, Nature Phys. 11, 328 (2015)
- A. Rusydi, A. Goos, S. Binder, A. Eich, K. Botril, P. Abbamonte, X. Yu, M. B. H. Breese, H. Eisaki, Y. Fujimaki, S. Uchida, N. Guerassimova, R. Treusch, J. Feldhaus, R. Reininger, M. V. Klein, M. Rubhausen, Electronic Screening-Enhanced Hole Pairing in Two-Leg Spin Ladders Studied by High-Resolution Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering at Cu M Edges, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 067001 (2014)
- L. K. Wagner, P. Abbamonte, The effect of electron correlation on the electronic structure and spin-lattice coupling of the high-Tc cuprates: quantum Monte Carlo calculations, Phys. Rev. B 90, 125129 (2014)
- S. C. Weng, R. Q. Xu, A. H. Said, B. M. Leu, Y. Ding, H. Hong, X. Y. Fang, M. Y. Chou, A. Bosak, P. Abbamonte, S. L. Cooper, E. Fradkin, S. L. Chang, T. C. Chiang, Pressure-induced antiferrodistortive phase transition in SrTiO3: Common scaling of soft-mode with pressure and temperature, Europhys. Lett. 107, 36006 (2014)
- A. Kogar, S. Vig, Y. Gan, P. Abbamonte, Temperature-resolution anomalies in the reconstruction of time dynamics from energy-loss experiments, J. Phys. B, Invited Issue on Ultrafast Electron and Molecular Dynamics 47, 12 (2014)
- J. C. T. Lee, A. R. Damodaran, R. Ramesh, L. W. Martin, P. Abbamonte, X-ray diffraction studies of stripelike ferroelectric domains in thin films of BiFeO3, Phys. Rev. B 89, 214104 (2014)
- Y. I. Joe, X. M. Chen, P. Ghaemi, K. D. Finkelstein, G. A. de la Peña, Y. Gan, J. C. T. Lee, S. Yuan, J. Geck, G. J. MacDougall, T. C. Chiang, S. L. Cooper, E. Fradkin, P. Abbamonte, Emergence of charge density wave domain walls above the superconducting dome in TiSe2, Nature Physics 10, 421 (2014)
- J. L. McChesney, R. Reininger, M. Ramanathan, C. Benson, G. Srajer, P. Abbamonte, J. C. Campuzano, Intermediate energy x-ray beamline at the Advanced Photon Source, N. Inst. Methods A 746, 98 (2014)
- S. Smadici, G. Logvenov, I. Bozovic, P. Abbamonte, Sequence of hole resonances in complex oxide heterostructures, J. Phys.-Cond. Mat. 26, 155302 (2014)
- S. L. Gleason, T. Byrum, Y. Gim, A. Thaler, P. Abbamonte, G. MacDougall, L. W. Martin, H. D. Zhou, S. L. Cooper, Magnon spectra and strong spin-lattice coupling in magnetically frustrated MnB2O4 (B = Mn,V): Inelastic light-scattering studies, Phys. Rev. B 89, 134402 (2014)
- S. Smadici, J. C. T. Lee, G. Logvenov, I. Bozovic, P. Abbamonte, Form factor dispersion at La M5,4 edges and average density of resonant atoms, J. Phys.-Cond. Mat. 26, 025303 (2014)
- P. Abbamonte, Picking up fine vibrations, Nature Physics 9, 759 (2013)
- C.-C. Lee, X. M. Chen, Y. Gan, C.-L. Yeh, H. C. Hsueh, P. Abbamonte, W. Ku, First-Principles Method of Propagation of Tightly Bound Excitons: Verifying the Exciton Band Structure of LiF with Inelastic x-Ray Scattering, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 157401 (2013)
- D. Benjamin, D. Abanin, P. Abbamonte, E. Demler, Microscopic theory of resonant soft x-ray scattering in systems with charge order: The Example of Charge Stripes in High-Temperature Cuprate Superconductors, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 137002 (2013)
- Y. Gan, A. Kogar, P. Abbamonte, Crystallographic refinement of collective excitations using standing wave inelastic x-ray scattering, Chemical Physics 414, 160 (2013)
- S. Smadici, B. B. Nelson-Cheeseman, A. Bhattacharya, P. Abbamonte, Interface ferromagnetism in a SrMnO3/LaMnO3 superlattice, Phys. Rev. B 86, 174427 (2012)
- S. Yuan, M. Kim, J. T. Seeley, J. C. T. Lee, S. Lal, P. Abbamonte, and S. L. Cooper, Inelastic Light Scattering Measurements of a Pressure-Induced Quantum Liquid in KCuF3, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 217402 (2012)
- P. Abbamonte, E. Demler, J. C. Davis, J. C. Campuzano, Resonant soft X-ray scattering, stripe order, and the electron spectral function in cuprates, Physica C 481, 15 (2012)
- S. Smadici, J. C. T. Lee, A. Rusydi, G. Logvenov, I. Bozovic, P. Abbamonte, Distinct oxygen hole doping in different layers of Sr2CuO4-d/La2CuO4 superlattices, Phys. Rev. B 85, 094519 (2012)
- R. H. Coridan, N. W. Schmidt, G. H. Lai, P. Abbamonte, G. C. L. Wong, Dynamics of confined water reconstructed from inelastic x-ray scattering measurements of bulk response functions, Phys. Rev. E 85, 031501 (2012)
- B. Uchoa, J. P. Reed, Y. Gan, Y. I. Joe, E. Fradkin, P. Abbamonte, D. Casa, The electron many-body problem in graphene, Proceedings of the Nobel Symposium on Graphene, Phys. Scr. T146, 14014 (2012)
- J. C. T. Lee, S. Yuan, S. Lal, Y. I. Joe, Y. Gan, S. Smadici, K. Finkelstein, Y. Feng, A. Rusydi, P. M. Goldbart, S. L. Cooper, P. Abbamonte, Two-stage orbital order and dynamical spin frustration in KCuF3, Nature Physics 8, 63 (2012)
- M. Kim, X. M. Chen, X. Wang, C. S. Nelson, R. Budakian, P. Abbamonte, S. L. Cooper, Pressure and field tuning the magnetostructural phases of Mn3O4: Raman scattering and x-ray diffraction studies, Phys. Rev. B 84, 174424 (2011)
- S. Smadici, J. C. T. Lee, J. Morales, G. Logvenov, O. Pelleg, I. Bozovic, Y. Zhu, P. Abbamonte, Graded orbital occupation near interfaces in a La2NiO4-La2CuO4 superlattice, Phys. Rev. B 84, 155411 (2011)
- J.-S. Lee, C.-C. Kao, C. S. Nelson, H. Jang, K.-T. Ko, S. B. Kim, Y. J. Choi, S.-W. Cheong, S. Smadici, P. Abbamonte, J.-H. Park, Fragile Magnetic Ground State in Half-Doped LaSr2Mn2O7, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 037206 (2011)
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- K. Jin, P. Bach, X. H. Zhang, U. Grupel, E. Zohar, I. Diamant, Y. Dagan, S. Smadici, P. Abbamonte, R. L. Greene, Anomalous enhancement of the superconducting transition temperature of electron-doped La2-xCexCuO4 and Pr2-xCexCuO4 cuprate heterostructures, Phys. Rev. B 83, 060511(R) (2011)
- J. P. Reed, B. Uchoa, Y. I. Joe, Y. Gan, D. Casa, E. Fradkin, P. Abbamonte, The effective fine structure constant of freestanding graphene measured in graphite, Science 330, 805 (2010)
- A. Rusydi, W. Ku, B. Schulz, R. Rauer, I. Mahns, D. Qi, X. Gao, A. T. S. Wee, P. Abbamonte, H. Eisaki, Y. Fujimaki, S. Uchida, M. Rubhausen, Experimental observation of the crystallization of a paired holon state, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 026402 (2010)
- M. Kim, X. M. Chen, E. Fradkin, P. Abbamonte, S. L. Cooper, Mapping the magneto-structural quantum phases of Mn3O4, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 026402 (2010)
- P. Abbamonte, G. C. L. Wong, D. Cahill, J. P. Reed, R. H. Coridan, N. W. Schmidt, G. H. Lai, Y. I. Joe, D. Casa, Ultrafast Imaging and the Phase Problem for Inelastic X-Ray Scattering, Advanced Materials 22, 1141 (2010)
- M. Kim, H. Barath, X. Chen, Y. I. Joe, E. Fradkin, P. Abbamonte, S. L. Cooper, Magnetic-field– and pressure-induced quantum phases in complex materials, Advanced Materials 22, 1148 (2010)
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- R. H. Coridan, N. W. Schmidt, G. H. Lai, R. Godawat, M. Krisch, S. Garde, P. Abbamonte, G. C. L. Wong, Hydration dynamics at femtosecond timescales and Angstrom lengthscales from inelastic x-ray scattering, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 237402 (2009)
- P. Abbamonte, J. P. Reed, Y. I. Joe, Yu Gan, D. Casa, Implicit spatial averaging in inversion of inelastic x-ray scattering data, Phys. Rev. B 80, 054302 (2009)
- S. Smadici, J. C. T. Lee, S. Wang, P. Abbamonte, A. Gozar, G. Logvenov, C. D. Cavellin, I. Bozovic, Superconducting transition at 38 K in insulating-overdoped La2CuO4-La1.64Sr0.36CuO4 superlattices: Evidence for interface electronic redistribution from resonant soft x-ray scattering, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 107004 (2009)
- H. Barath, M. Kim, S. L. Cooper, P. Abbamonte, E. Fradkin, I. Mahns, M. Rubhausen, N. Aliouane, D. N. Argyriou, Domain fluctuations near the field-induced incommensurate-commensurate phase transition of TbMnO3, Phys. Rev. B 78, 134407 (2008)
- Peter Abbamonte, Tim Graber, James P. Reed, Serban Smadici, Chen-Lin Yeh, Abhay Shukla, Jean-Pascal Rueff, and Wei Ku, Dynamical reconstruction of the exciton in LiF with inelastic x-ray scattering, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 105, 12159 (2008)
- A. Rusydi, I. Mahns, S. Muller, M. Rübhausen, S. Park, Y. J. Choi, C. L. Zhang, S. W. Cheong, S. Smadici, P. Abbamonte, M. v. Zimmermann, G. A. Sawatzky, Multiferroicity in the spin-1/2 quantum matter of LiCu2O2, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 262506 (2008)
- M. Kim, H. Barath, S.L. Cooper, P. Abbamonte, E. Fradkin, M. Rubhausen, C.L. Zhang, S-W. Cheong, Raman scattering studies of temperature- and field-Induced melting of charge order in (La,Pr,Ca)MnO3, Phys. Rev. B 77, 134411 (2008)
- H. Barath, M. Kim, J.F. Karpus, S.L. Cooper, P. Abbamonte, E. Fradkin, E. Morosan, R.J. Cava, Quantum and Classical Mode Softening Near the Charge-Density-Wave-Superconductor Transition of CuxTiSe2, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 106402 (2008)
- A. Rusydi, P. Abbamonte, H. Eisaki, Y. Fujimaki, S. Smadici, N. Motoyama, S. Uchida, Y.-J. Kim, M. Rubhausen, G. A. Sawatzky, Strain amplification of the 4kF chain instability in Sr14Cu24O41, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 036403 (2008)
- S. Smadici, P. Abbamonte, A. Bhattacharya, X. Zhai, B. Jiang, A. Rusydi, J. N. Eckstein, S. D. Bader, J. M. Zuo, Electronic reconstruction of LaMnO3-SrMnO3 superlattice interfaces, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 196404 (2007)
- T. A. W. Beale, S. B. Wilkins, P. D. Hatton, P. Abbamonte, S. Stanescu, J. A. Paixao, Resonant soft x-ray magnetic scattering from the 4f and 3d electrons in DyFe4Al8: Magnetic interactions in a cycloidal antiferromagnet, Phys. Rev. B 75, 174432 (2007)
- A. Rusydi, M. Berciu, P. Abbamonte, S. Smadici, H. Eisaki, Y. Fujimaki, S. Uchida, M. Rubhausen, and G. A. Sawatzky. Relationship between hole density and charge-ordering wave vector in Sr14-xCaxCu24O41, Phys. Rev. B, 75, 104510 (2007)
- S. Smadici, P. Abbamonte, M. Taguchi, Y. Kohsaka, T. Sasagawa, M. Azuma, M. Takano, H. Takagi, Absence of long-ranged charge order in NaxCa2CuO2Cl2 at x=0.08, Phys. Rev. B, 75, 75104 (2007)
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- P. Abbamonte, G. Blumberg, A. Rusydi, A. Gozar, P. G. Evans, T. S. Siegrist, L. Venema, H. Eisaki, E. D. Isaacs, G. A. Sawatzky, Crystallization of charge holes in the spin ladder of Sr14Cu24O41, Nature, 431, 1078 (2004)
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- P. Abbamonte, L. Venema, A. Rusydi, G. Logvenov, I. Bozovic, G. A. Sawatzky, Count rates and structure factors in anomalous soft x-ray scattering from cuprate superconductors, in Superconducting and Related Oxides, Physics and Nanoengineering V, SPIE Proceedings, 4811, 60 (2002)
- P. Abbamonte, L. Venema, A Rusydi, I. Bozovic, G. A. Sawatzky, A Structural Probe of the Doped Holes in Cuprate Superconductors, Science 297, 581 (2002)
- K.D. Finkelstein, P.M. Abbamonte, V.O. Kostroun, Design, microfabrication, and application of novel x-ray optics, in Design and Microfabrication of Novel X-ray Optics, SPIE Proceedings, 4783, 139 (2002).
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